November 12, 2019 6:24 pm

Pre-K Highlights for November 11th – November 15th Monthly Theme: Giving & Thanks
Letter: Dd
Number: 5

Dear Pre-K Families, I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend! With Thanksgiving approaching, we will continue to focus on the sentiments of the season. It’s a perfect time to teach the children that the words, “giving and thanks” are words that express feelings from the heart. We will discuss how we can demonstrate our altruistic feelings— like when we give a hug, play nicely with a sibling or friend, or help with a chore. These sentiments will be reflected within our themes throughout the next two weeks and as we continue to grow our “Thankful Tree”. We will be adding to our tree what we are thankful for every day that we are in school. (Take a peek if you haven’t seen it yet!) The letter of the week is /Dd/ and we will be introducing the number 5. In addition to our letter & number writing, word list and sound recognition exercises. We will also be covering the artist Georges-Pierre Seurat and the children will be creating their our own colorful “dot painting”. We have a very busy week ahead!


  • Alphatales Dd: Detective Dog and the Disappearing Doughnuts by: Valerie Garfield
  • The Dot by: Peter H. Reynolds
  • The Doctor by: Harlow Rockwell
  • Don’t Wake Up Mama by: Eileen Christelow
  • The Dragon Machine by: Helen Ward
  • Dream by: Ezra Jack Keats


  • Turtle Creek will have a half day next Monday, November 18th for Parent/Teacher Conferences; dismissal is at 12:15pm and we will have a snack only, no lunch. 
Sign-up sheet for Conferences will be next to the sign-in sheet. We can also have a phone conference if needed.
  • I will be sending home the information on Mystery Readers. If you are interested, please send in the information sheets. I am scheduling dates throughout the year. We will be having one reader a month. The next opening is in December.
  • Please remember to empty your child’s folder each day and to sign in & out.
Warmly, Mrs. L [email protected]

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