March 11, 2019 7:24 pm
Kindergarten Highlights
March 11, 2019
We are well on our way to spring. The onset of daylight saving time gives us the longer hours of daylight we have been longing for and the warmer temperatures are not that far behind. In the classroom we be enjoying the springtime of our academic year by continuing to challenge ourselves in all aspects of the curriculum.
Our Making Meaning series will introduce the students to the comprehension focus of using wondering to help them understand a story. The purpose of the unit is to have students wonder about stories. Asking questions, or wondering, is a strategy that good readers use to construct understanding. Students build this understanding through teacher modeling and their own wondering during read-alouds. We will share the story Brave Bear, by Kathy Mallat.
In the Being A Writer series we continue with learning the skill of writing by telling more. We have been learning how to develop a topic sentence. We select our own topic for writing, visualize getting story ideas, reread our stories and tell more by asking what more our writing community would like to know. We have been listening to each other’s stories, showing appreciation for one another’s writing, and helping to generate ideas that we can write about. We begin day 1 by thinking aloud, then writing the first sentence and drawing a simple picture to start the story. We focus on starting with a capital, leaving space between each word, and ending with a period. Day 2 we reread and add to our writing by asking questions, visualizing, and adding detail to our picture. By the end of the week we have scripted a 3-4 sentence well written story.
In math we continue with addition, money, and skip counting. We have been practicing skip counting by 2’s and this week we introduce skip counting by 5’s. Please use the sheets we will send home to practice these skills. In addition we have been reviewing addition doubles. These math facts must be memorized! We are going to use these mastered basic facts to expand our math strategies with doubles plus 1 and doubles plus 2. To date the students are responsible for +0, +1, +2, +3. Well begin to explore the relationship of simple but much harder addition facts that require the knowledge of the doubles facts. Using doubles to solve addition sentences like 5+6 and 7+9. Please spend 5 to 10 minutes a night reviewing at home.
The students will receive new readers this week. Please look at the cover to see the objectives and skill we are reviewing or learning. In addition please begin practice on the next 10 words in the Fry list. Well have a test Friday reviewing some of the first 20 and the newly added 10 words on the 2A list. The students did a fantastic job studying and taking the first ever exam!
Please note the students have been assigned a research project on the planets. It will be due the end of the week. I am hoping we can use our new knowledge to actually build a classroom planetarium. We’ll keep you posted on our progress.
We will be sending a separate note regarding the schedule for teacher conferences next week.
Categorised in: Ms. Krachie