May 17, 2018 5:59 pm

Pre-K | Hightlights May 7, 2018

Dear Parents, Hope you have all had a great weekend! We had an amazing time on Friday at Monmouth University seeing Spring-A-Ding-DING! It was the perfect addition to our study of the seasons, springtime and our science unit on the butterfly life cycle. Brianna, the main character, goes on an adventure through the seasons, where she meets frogs, glittering rain showers, twirling flowers, dancing birds and even a contortionist earthworm. Woven through each season, is her search for the butterfly and each life cycle that it goes through. It was such a joy to see all their little faces laughing at the silly skunk, loving all the specialty acts and of course we can’t forget the bus rides! We will continue our theme of Spring all throughout May. We have already studied the four seasons, the artwork of the comparisons were in their folder on Wednesday. They planted their individual plant on Wednesday and will be taking care of it and observing its growth. Each day for the past few weeks, they have been observing the life cycle of a butterfly. Our caterpillars are in their chrysalis and we are patiently awaiting the nest stage = the butterfly! Money and art have been our other focus last week and will continue this coming week. Money is a rather abstract concept for preschoolers. We are learning about the different coins, the value and how many of each equals one dollar. So far we have explored the penny and nickel. This week will be the dime and quarter. This is perfect for our upcoming Mother’s Day Restaurant, where they can take their cognitive knowledge to practical use. Our Mother’s Day celebration is Friday, May 11th at Turtle Creek, 2pm -3pm. We have completed our artwork for their first art show. They created a piece of art based on Andy Warhol’s work. This week they will learn more about his life during storytime with two books written by his nephew James Warhola. In Uncle Andy’s and Uncle Andy’s Cats, James Warhola explains how his uncle was inspired as an artist, his habits and how Andy Warhol was an innovator. Your child’s Art Show is at Turtle Creek on Thursday, May 10th at 5pm – 6:30pm. Remember this an Open House, so bring your family and friends to see how wonderful Turtle Creek is!


Bunny Money by: Rosemary Wells The Penny Pot by: Stuart J. Murphy Benny’s Pennies by: Pat Brisson Nickels by: Mary Hill Dimes by: Mary Hill Quarters by: Mary Hill Uncle Andy’s by: James Warhola Uncle Andy’s Cats by: James Warhola


• Art Show & Open House: Thursday, May 10th at 5pm – 6:30pm. *Remember this an Open House, so bring your family and friends to see how wonderful Turtle Creek is 🙂 • Mother’s Day Celebration: Friday, May 1th, 2-3pm Looking forward to a great week! Warmly, Mrs. Martorano [email protected]

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